is a Nagios plugin to monitor the hardware of ESX and ESXi servers.

Refer to the following post to install Icinga, PNP4Nagios, and NagiosQL on FreeBSD.

Install the software

# cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster
# make clean all install
# make clean
# rehash
# portmaster lang/python
# fetch -o pywbem-0.7.0.tar ''
# tar xf pywbem-0.7.0.tar
# cd pywbem-0.7.0
# /usr/local/bin/python install
# portmaster -d misc/rpl
# rehash
# fetch -o /usr/local/libexec/icinga/
# rpl /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/libexec/icinga/
# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/icinga/

Usage example

define command {
 command_name check_esxi_hardware
 command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U user -P password -p
 register     1

define service {
 hostgroup_name      esxi-servers
 service_description ESXi Hardware
 use                 service-pnp,generic-service
 check_command       check_esxi_hardware
 process_perf_data   1
 register            1

define hostgroup {
 hostgroup_name esxi-servers
 alias          ESXi Servers
 register       1

define host {
 host_name  myesxi
 hostgroups esxi-servers
 use        host-pnp,generic-host
 register   1